caroline beaulieuTo Women of a Middling AgeLast week, amid much fanfare — fanfare that I actively encouraged and participated in, I turned 40.Mar 2Mar 2
caroline beaulieuOn Roads and Journeys and the Necessity of StarsOn the evening of July 6th I attempted to capture a moment. Had I been 17 and not 38, lithe and youthful rather than cumbersome and…Aug 15, 2022Aug 15, 2022
caroline beaulieuSnoop is 50. I’m 38. F*ck.As a Millennial, I am well trained to look for fault in damn near everything. It’s a self preservation mechanism that a generation of…Feb 15, 2022Feb 15, 2022
caroline beaulieuI want to remember.As a writer people are constantly praising me for the amazing job I must be doing writing things down.Sep 4, 20192Sep 4, 20192
caroline beaulieuMy kid is a brat.Since the time my child was about two — which is when, for me, actual parenting started to happen — I’ve said the same thing. If the…Aug 26, 20192Aug 26, 20192
caroline beaulieuinHuman PartsA Letter to My HusbandSometimes we stop communicating because we have too much to saySep 5, 201762Sep 5, 201762
caroline beaulieuHow to Kill Your MotherI recently had to explain to my mother that dying, specifically dying when you want to, was a lot more complicated than having me (her…May 22, 20173May 22, 20173
caroline beaulieuNotes from the UndergroundI’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again many, many times, but we don’t spend nearly enough time telling people about the…Apr 10, 20173Apr 10, 20173
caroline beaulieuParenting is a Poo SmearI cannot be clearer than this: three year olds are the worst.Mar 22, 20176Mar 22, 20176